Thursday, 27 May 2010
A Summery!
Firstly I will get Whack'd out of the way. In the first 2 weeks after my original pitch, I only had two members on my team, Tom and Mu. It was looking bad for 'Pirates' and, at that point it was highly likely that the film would fall through. Dan and Sam approached me and asked whether I would like to join the team, to help with animation. I knew deep down this was Sam and Dan doing me a favour. It was clear they wanted me to have somewhere to go if 'Pirates' failed. Naturally I said 'yes'. However, 'Pirates' lived to fight another day and so I was on two films. In the first terms I did a few concept drawings just for fun but nothing major. At this time I had acquired the music editing software known as Protools. As a little pet project I scored an Whack'd inspired song. After I completed it I showed it to the group on a whim just to see whether they thought it was any good. Dan and Sam really liked it so I became the composer for the film. I had no intention to be, but I was thrilled that they liked it. Over the next few months I produced three new tracks, 'Locked and Loaded', 'Out of the Frying Pan...' and 'Ninjutsu Blues'. Through all of it I drew influence from composers such as Harry Gregsom Williams, Steve Jablonsky, Tyler Bates and many more. I also drew influence other musicians such as surf guitar legend Dick Dale, Blues Virtuoso Stevie Ray Vaughan, hard rockers Motorhead, Flamenco Master Paco Pena and even horror punk and Country musicians like The Monsters.
Unfortunately with the workload increasing with 'Pirates' all of the time, my role as an animator diminished to just two shots. This was a shame as I really like the film and wanted to be a stronger part of it. However, Sam and Dan were very understanding. Overall the Whack'd team and film is fantastic.
'Pirates'. Where to begin. I never thought that my stupid little idea about Pirates in a supermarket would ever get picked. Just look at it! When you write it down on paper it just looks ridiculous. But for some reason, the class really loved it. As I've said, the first tow weeks were rocky but it evened out. There were many story problems in the beginning, many hours wasted on boards. We must have gone trough three different plot ideas before the film settled months later. In retrospect the film is much stronger now. So all of my moaning was just hot air. My role in the pirates film was overwhelming. I was Director, writer, character designer, organiser, modeller, texturer, rigger (blendshapes), renderer and compositer. Many of the positions I fell into and had to adapt.
The group has seen a little bit of a 'revolving door' membership. I am not going to name names, but I have to be honest. People have let me down this year, more than once. We have had disappearing members, I do not know how many texts I sent around chasing people up. I want these people to know, I do not feel any bitterness toward them, this pipeline is far to constricted time wise to wait around for people. With this kid of mentality, it fell upon the rest of the group to pick up the slack. I modelled, textured and created blendshapes when I was not originally supposed to. All of which were not my strong points and I had to learn as I went along. I had never textured on created blendshapes before so it was a new experience for me. However, the team really came together, we would all tweak each others work so it would look the best.
When time got a too hairy, I employed some of the second years to help out with the film. Fahran, Marios, Mel, Hayley, Carlos and Alex. I saw each of them improve with every piece of work they did, except for Fahran, who blew my mind the moment I met him. All of these second years were fast learners and their unyielding enthusiasm for a film which they had only just joined was inspiring.
So what do I think of the film? I knew we would not get the film completed for hand in. 70 shots, with for characters lip syncing with high octane action... it was impossible. However, Pirates will be finished.
Over this year I have learned so much. Mainly thanks to the pupils in my class. The Splay Polished Off crew raised the bar for what I could expect a student animation from this college to look like. With that as well, they shared their secrets with me and tried to teach me the best they could. Sarah and the little film that could. We both helped each other out with musicians and voice actors, and she has been fantastic. The Whack'd team has been a pleasure to work for, Dan's determination is truly inspiring and Josh's 2d artwork always keeps me on my toes (he's always one step ahead).
Finally Pirates. Overall my team is fantastic. Mu is my right hand man. Neil, my ever patient animator. Josh, the mood lightener. Ash and Dean, the cool cucumbers. J.B my technical guy. I would also like to give a special thanks to Tom. He is always patient, always enthusiastic and extremely skilled. Tom has worked like a horse this entire year, and never complained. He picked up most of the slack when team members disappeared and has risen to every challenge. Over the past fours years that I have known him he has improved so quickly it has truly amazed me. He is the star of the show!
In conclusion, the year has been extremely stressful, but I have learned more in this final year, than the two years previous.
Now that the submission is creeping up, It is time to cross our fingers. Who knows one day we might see a big blockbuster movie, with my name in the directors position...doubt it though!
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Composite test
Final Animatic
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
My Original Guard model
Monday, 24 May 2010
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Some More Shots!
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Whack'd shots
This shot was tricky, hes not doing anything but you have to make him look alive. It was a hard one, especially considering the limitations of the rig. A faked a sniff by moving the vertex points on his face up. I also added some brow and eye movements to emphasise it. Too bad you can not see it here!
This one was also tricky because of the limitations to the rig, especially in the elbow areas. You cannot move the as the rolled sleeves to his shirt dig into his arms. All that aside this was allot easier than than shot 21!
Monday, 17 May 2010
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Shot 35
I spent too long on finishing this shot today. There was a point today were it was going so badly i was thinking of smashing the computer. Luckily after a slew of happy accidents, I managed to get it together. Turned out OK didn't it?
Sniff Test
I wanted a little sniff in between gunfire in this shot for whack'd. This is a little test of me animating the vertex points.
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Shot Overload
This is my tweaking of Hayleys Shot.
This is shot is halfway done!
This is shot 30 and it is COMPLETE!
Thursday, 6 May 2010

Right. I was up till the early hours of this morning re-texturing Walker's head. When I awoke a few hours later, I realised, what I had done, looked rubbish. Clearly I was too tired to know what I was doing. Anyway I had to do it AGAIN! This was supposed to be a quick job but it took most of the day. I thought I could just copy paste my old textures but the UV points had shifted drastically so I had to do it again! After that I created the cardboard cutouts for the supermarket. Here we go!
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Shot 21 again!
Right guys I took on board what Josh said, and here it is. I still had some difficulties. The hand stopped spazing out for some reason but lets not jinx it. This is not the best animation I have ever done, so I'm sorry. A couple of things have come up with pirates at the moment, so I don't know how much the Whack'd team can rely on me. I don't want to let the team down.
Monday, 3 May 2010
Target Shot 21
Saturday, 1 May 2010

Mu! I noticed that the model's eyeballs a just a fraction too high, they poke through the mesh. When weighting, just lower his eyeballs appropriately!
Friday, 30 April 2010
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Saturday, 24 April 2010
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Group Progress
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Animation Update
I did some graph editor practise done with this shot. I can't really see much of a difference.
I did a little change to this animation, whilst taking on peoples comments. I've been trying to observe Pixar animation and emulate it!
This is me trying to emulate pixars eye animation. They often make the pupils shake a little, as well as having one eye blink one frame after the other. These little touches give life to their animations.
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Hey guys, this is shot 32. This is where the Guard is frantically looking around. It still needs some work though!
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Shot 30 update!
I've animated this shot more. I realised I had him turn around twice in the same shot, and with the speed, it looks stupid. So it took the first turn away. I also added more animations i.e, arms, hands, fingers as well as more head and waist. I have not touched the line editor yet. I need to ask some people what they think of the animation.
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Patches Update
Hey guys this is how I've gotten on with patches so far. I battled with the rig most of the day. I'm not yet happy with this animation, the key poses are not strong enough and its a bit stiff. For some reason I could not move the fingers at all, that's kind of important because he has to point!
Saturday, 10 April 2010
He's Got Our Treasure
Hi Guys, thought I'd make a a dent into our animation by doing Patches' one and only spoken line. I only animated the lips. It took me two hours, I've been trying to get ppd out of the way today! Let me know what you think!
Thursday, 8 April 2010
Looking at Neils, blendshapes, I realised there wasn't a sufficiant amount for lip syncing, and some of them where a bit strange so i deleted some and added some more. Here they are.
There are some serious problems with the controls of this rig. The arm and leg controls make it almost impossible to animate. The blends however, work well. Apart from the fact you can't view your key frames meaning you can't edit it in the graph editor. ARGGGH.
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Sunday, 4 April 2010
BreadBeard Blendshapes
Friday, 2 April 2010
Patches Blenshapes
Patches Blendshapes are done! Now onto Breadbeard! There was a little senario with maya, so I had to start patches again!
Thursday, 1 April 2010
Todays update!
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Blend Shapes
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Guard and Patches Blendshapes!

Monday, 29 March 2010
My Goals
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Basically I want to create a folder for them in the public folders. In there I want an environment, some assets (for texturing and lighting), the character models (for uv mapping) and a rigged model of Breadbeard (for animators).
From there, they can do some tests and we can see if they are up to the challenge.
Monday, 22 March 2010
It's official, we have to work our butts off. I chatted with Dan and we need to employ second years to help with almost everything.
Ash, it's unrealistic to think you can texture the whole film by yourself so I'm trying to get another UV, texturer, possibly two.
We could possibly do with a rigger.
We also need someone to help with the lighting.
Finally we need a load of animators. They have to be good but we need a lot. We have 70 shots!
I'm pitching to the second years again tomorrow so hopefully, my award winning personality could possibly attract them to the film.If I get the second years it does not mean that we can relax. We will have to work our behinds off.
On a lighter note, if all goes well the film should be not awful....which is good.