Friday, 30 April 2010

Thursday, 29 April 2010


Hey Guys. It took a good part of the day but here's Patches all textured up. I think the occlusion layer was a little too heavy in this render, it's tooo dark! But anyway, let me know what you think!

Wednesday, 28 April 2010


Hi guys heres Breadbeard's texturing so far, it looks OK but there are little parts that I do not like, mainly the beard. It will be sorted out though!

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Guard Texture

Hey guys, I have been texturing the Guard all day and this is the result. It is the first time I have textured a character. There was one problem, with his badge, I could not get the UV's for it, even when I clicked on it. Weird, but anyway, please comment and tell me what you think.

Thursday, 22 April 2010


Hey Team! I've been texturing all day. It's the first time I've ever done it so, i was sort of fumbling around a bit. I've done more than this but this is just a taster of whats to come. Please give feedback on what you think!

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Group Progress

Right today was a real kick start. The unfortunate cancellation of the dummy project has given pirates a new kick start. J.B is really energetic and seems to be having fun with the ideas. With J.B's dynamic shots in mind, we have decided to focus on the lightning sequence so we can start rendering it next week. I'm really happy about this. Getting some renders would be fantastic and may give the group some inspiration. I teamed up Marios with Ash and have got them working together, which has worked out nicely. Mr Dean Ha has handed over the environment work to Mu. I know Dean is quite shy, and he should know he is an important member of the team. If Dean feels he has let the team down, believe me he has not. The assets he made were great!

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

A little texture test

I couldn't get the lovely uv's that fahran did, to show up on my computer so I decided to do some texture examples. These are for breadbeard, here is his lovely blue coat, and red leather gloves!

Animation Update

I did some graph editor practise done with this shot. I can't really see much of a difference.

I did a little change to this animation, whilst taking on peoples comments. I've been trying to observe Pixar animation and emulate it!

This is me trying to emulate pixars eye animation. They often make the pupils shake a little, as well as having one eye blink one frame after the other. These little touches give life to their animations.

Saturday, 17 April 2010


Hey guys, this is shot 32. This is where the Guard is frantically looking around. It still needs some work though!

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Shot 30 update!

I've animated this shot more. I realised I had him turn around twice in the same shot, and with the speed, it looks stupid. So it took the first turn away. I also added more animations i.e, arms, hands, fingers as well as more head and waist. I have not touched the line editor yet. I need to ask some people what they think of the animation.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Patches Update

Hey guys this is how I've gotten on with patches so far. I battled with the rig most of the day. I'm not yet happy with this animation, the key poses are not strong enough and its a bit stiff. For some reason I could not move the fingers at all, that's kind of important because he has to point!

Saturday, 10 April 2010

He's Got Our Treasure

Hi Guys, thought I'd make a a dent into our animation by doing Patches' one and only spoken line. I only animated the lips. It took me two hours, I've been trying to get ppd out of the way today! Let me know what you think!

Thursday, 8 April 2010


Looking at Neils, blendshapes, I realised there wasn't a sufficiant amount for lip syncing, and some of them where a bit strange so i deleted some and added some more. Here they are.


There are some serious problems with the controls of this rig. The arm and leg controls make it almost impossible to animate. The blends however, work well. Apart from the fact you can't view your key frames meaning you can't edit it in the graph editor. ARGGGH.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010


Tom and I took a look at Neils blend shapes for walker and we found that every one he did with the eyes looked pretty...disgusting actually, he looks really disturbing. So I sorted the out!

Sunday, 4 April 2010

BreadBeard Blendshapes

Oh my God. Breadbeard was awful today. I started work at half past nine. By 2pm I had almost finished the blend shapes. Then my computer went nuts and corrupted the file. Meaning that I had to start all over again. After finishing the shapes and sending them to Tom. I wanted to show some examples of my work. Now my crappy computer won't even run the breadbeard file. Great!

Friday, 2 April 2010

Patches Blenshapes

Patches Blendshapes are done! Now onto Breadbeard! There was a little senario with maya, so I had to start patches again!

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Todays update!

Today was interesting. After some terrible instances with patches' blend shapes, i have to start them again! Oh well. I went down to see the guy from the 3d department with Dan SHuffzilla, so the big D and myself are going to try and sort the little models out next week.

I got some more animations from the second years. Some were quite good. Mel's one lightened up my morning with the most random thing I have ever seen.

Cinesite came to look at our films, but did not get around to the Pirates crew. I forgive them.

Once Tom is done with Breadbeard's giggles he is going to send it over to me, to blend. In the meantime, Patches ahoy!