Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Tip Your Hat!

Hidey Ho Neighbourinos! Tom handed me his breadbeard model as so I can dress him up a bit. First thing I did was create a neck. It was pretty simple as you are not going to see it due to his hair and beard. The second thing I did was create the belt buckle. I created a cylinder and mishapped it. I added some more vertexes to create a rim around the belt. I then used another cylinder to create the skull. Sam and Dan helped me create the eye wholes using the boling tool.
After that the next thing i moved onto was the hat, and boy was that hard. I tried to create a hat to my original designs, but it ended up looking like a slice of pizza sitting on his head. It was evident that I had to change the design. I first attempted a Jack Sparrow hat...but that went horribly wrong. I then decided to go for a Barbossa hat. This is allot less pointy, and allot more extravagant. I created a sphere, cut it in half, extruded the sides and played around with the vertices. After a small computer malfunction, I was done. I showed it to Sarah and Mike Quirke and we agreed it needed something more. Using the boling tool I created some nicks in the hat, to give it a rough feel. We then all agreed that the hat needed a feather. With the help Mu and Quirkey, we created a pre-made feather within maya, using the effects. This looked great but it had like a million polygons. So I created a low poly version by creating a cylinder and extruding the sides. With the high poly model as a guide I created a low poly feather that is slightly more cartoon like.
The model is looking OK, but he desperately needs a beard and hair. Maybe the hat needs downsizing too.

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