Friday, 22 January 2010

This week in review!

this week has been very interesting. Mainly I have been experimenting with some modeling, I have even tried some character modeling. Hmmm. I thought that would never happen.

Wednesday we had a meeting with Mr Dave Bull, who seemed to be happy with the way things were coming along. I on the other hand am worried.

J.B has done some fantastic trouble shooting, with regards to the dynamics. Tom has been chugging away at modelling Breadbeard and its coming along nicely. I have been peering over his shoulder and we have been experimenting with different looks. Neil has started modeling objects for the Guard's room, but it is far from finished. Mu Li has provided a very nice layout of the super market, which I will be adding more details to, plus he's working on the boat. Josh has started modelling assets and they look fine, he's cracking on. Dean has really pleased me with a fantastic looking model of Walker, It's still got some ways to go, but it's looking really nice! Mike Quirke has started a pretty sweet rig for both myself and J.B, but we would both like to see it finished. Ash, has been working on the guard and he looks kinda terrifying at the moment so he may need some work. Paul has finished the trolley and it looks superb, however there is a certain bag of food that he has made, with a ridiculously high poly count...we have to change that.

The main problem in both the Pirates and Dummy Groups at the moment is ATTENDANCE. It is bad at the mo. Myself, J.B, Tom, Josh and Neil have been in everyday. Dean arrives in the after noon everyday, but he shows a brilliant level of work that I am really happy with, he also likes to hear my opinions on his work which is great because it shows that he is not afraid of changing the models. I saw Mike twice this term, once this week. He did have a great rig, but It would be better if I could see his pretty face a little more. Mu is in a lot, he could not come in on some of the days which he fully explained which is fine. Ash and Paul on the other hand, have proven more illusive than the loch ness monster. I saw them today for the PPD. Ash, talked to me today and Paul posted a message on the blog, but it is not really good enough. I need to know if they are in, both of them missed the meeting with Dave on Wednesday. They both have said this will change next week, we shall see.

Attendance has been a problem, but the work that have seen had been to a good standard, and in some cases excellent!

These evaluations shall be a weekly thing, as it will help me see how we are progressing on the film.

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