Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Pirates Ideas

There are soo many ideas buzzing around in my head now (but not in a good way). None of them I can settle on, and none of them I really like. I don't want to just go down the regular pirate route as I think it is boring and overdone. I did sort of like the idea of the new cereal mascots fighting the old ones. I thought that the Breadbeard that we know could be hapilly sailing along the super market and then their ship is attacked. We then find out that the attackers are the old mascots coming to destroy them. We could then end it with the brand of cereal being redesigned with even newer mascots. The only problem with this is we would have to spend time explaining things, which will slow the pace and ruin the gags. I don't beleive explaining things is the correct wzy to go. Take Spongebob for example, why is he a bathroom sponge and all the other sponges are normal? Why does he live in a pinapple? Why is there a squirrel in a space suit? WHY IS A WHALE THE SAME SIZE AS A LOBSTER? What makes spongebob quirky is the fact that there is no logic and explaination to it. If they did explain things, it would loose it's humour and appeal. The same can be applied to Ren and Stimpy. These shows have a a chaotic mindest used in them, and that is what makes the cartoons appealing to its audience. I even said I wanted to tap into that type of audience in my pitch. Why are they pirates in a super marcket? WHO KNOWS? That is why I picked the idea to pitch. I had others that were more logical but I felt they were boring.

This is a real brain melter!

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