Thursday, 22 October 2009

Environment 1

Hey guys, this is my first environment design. It is a quick one of the aisle with the pirate fort. It has the bow of a ship and a sail, as well as battle towers. Again this was entirely digital. I was trying to go for a bit more of a collage look for this one to emphasise simplicity. I got the idea for one of the Pixar art books. Unfortunately, it did not turn out so good. Instead of looking collage like, it just looks s**t. Anyway it gives a rough idea.

The Guard

Hey Y'all! Here's the long awaited concept for the guard. He is sooofat. We might be hard to weight in maya so we might have to change him. My PC is down at the moment. Therefore my scanner is busted too, so this is my first entirely digital picture. I drew the pencils for it in a programme called sketchbook pro. It's pretty cool because it is sensitive to the pressure on the tablet, thus reacting like a real pencil. I also inked it on the computer and it did not go to plan. I'm not entirely happy with this picture because it looks a bit crap. Anyway, here he is!

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Whack'd Poster

Hey guys. I was creating a movie poster for The Pirates project, which took ages but check it out! Anyways, I was having so much fun doing the poster that I decided to do one for Whack'd. This was really quick. LITERALLY ten mins, no exaggeration!

Mood Boards

Hey guys. Here are my mood boards for the film. It includes artwork from Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxtar, Prince of Persia, Street Fighter 4, Batman The Animated Series, Batman Beyond (aka Batman of the future) and Spectacular Spider-man. It also features artwork form two of my favourite artists, Sean Galloway and Skottie Young. All this stuff inspires me, and subliminally help in the creation of the idea...oh and I threw Trix Rabbit in there for good measure!

Movie Poster

Hey all! I'm feeling a bit better about the film today. I've done my teaser poster for Gareth's unit. The poster is inspired by those classic movie posters like Star Wars, you know the ones where Luke looks nothing like he does in the actual movie. They always make the characters look more muscular and heroic so that's what I did to Breadbeard. This is nowhere near finished. For one thing I have to make the typeface more piratey.Anyway I'm going to have a chat with the tutors tomorrow but Tom and I have already spoken about the film, and I am more enthusiastic about it now. I actually see the film in my head.I'll get everyone up to scratch either tomorrow or Friday!

Thursday, 8 October 2009

A doodle for Wack'd

Hey guys I was just trying out a quick photoshop technique. I thought I would try and blend the way I draw with the artwork from 'The Incredibles". I just had the 'Wack'd' characters on my mind at the time so I decided to draw them. THIS IS NOT A CONCEPT! I am well aware that it is not my role in the 'Wack'd' group to provide concept art. so I don't want to tread on anyone's toes. I just was practising on the computer and thought I would draw the hitman.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Pirates Ideas

There are soo many ideas buzzing around in my head now (but not in a good way). None of them I can settle on, and none of them I really like. I don't want to just go down the regular pirate route as I think it is boring and overdone. I did sort of like the idea of the new cereal mascots fighting the old ones. I thought that the Breadbeard that we know could be hapilly sailing along the super market and then their ship is attacked. We then find out that the attackers are the old mascots coming to destroy them. We could then end it with the brand of cereal being redesigned with even newer mascots. The only problem with this is we would have to spend time explaining things, which will slow the pace and ruin the gags. I don't beleive explaining things is the correct wzy to go. Take Spongebob for example, why is he a bathroom sponge and all the other sponges are normal? Why does he live in a pinapple? Why is there a squirrel in a space suit? WHY IS A WHALE THE SAME SIZE AS A LOBSTER? What makes spongebob quirky is the fact that there is no logic and explaination to it. If they did explain things, it would loose it's humour and appeal. The same can be applied to Ren and Stimpy. These shows have a a chaotic mindest used in them, and that is what makes the cartoons appealing to its audience. I even said I wanted to tap into that type of audience in my pitch. Why are they pirates in a super marcket? WHO KNOWS? That is why I picked the idea to pitch. I had others that were more logical but I felt they were boring.

This is a real brain melter!

HItman Developments!

We tossed around a few ideas today for Wack'd. I suggested we do a big chain reaction thing for the climax where the hitman throws his thingy-ma-doodle, hits the pizza boy, the pizza boy goes driving into a telephone pole, the cables bresk loose, swinging in front of a huge gas truck, the truck swerves out of wway but drives into the motel, exploding and destroying the target. Its a pretty big finale (Micheal Bay says "if all else fails...blow stuff up"). I think the team did a great job of coming up with ideas (like the turtoise). I think we sorted out a pretty spectactular ending...probalem is I think we need to make the begining stronger, 'cos the ending is kinda kicking it's butt!

Monday, 5 October 2009

Story Nuked!

Hey guys the meeting with Mike and Dave was interesting. They raised some good points...mainly 'Why'. We went through so many ideas, are they toys, are they mascots, do they exist within the box? Soooooo many things. We should all take a night to come up with some ideas and meet first thing tomorrow!

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Somethin' ta shoot for!

Hey yall! These are some images of some animations/games that I think look pretty cool. Some of these are shots from 'Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs', 'Up' and 'Coraline'. Obviously our film isn't going to look as good as these (look as good as Up...fat chance), but I really like the look. some of these shots are from the new 'Ratchet and Clank' game...which is a little bit closer to what we can do, but if we managed to make the film look as good as it I would be really pleased. The other images are of 3d models that someone made based on the artwork of Sean Galloway (one of my favourite artists).

Storyboards pt1

These are the storyboards that I used for my pitch. They are only in pencil and some of the shots need to be changed!

Friday, 2 October 2009

The Synopsis

Here's the synopsis that I created for mike!

Craig n' the old lady!

These are my designs that I finally managed to upload. Here we have the redesign of the little old lady. I decided to give her a big granny jacket so that we don't have to model any legs. I tried to draw her a sweet as I could imagine, that way it will all the more awesome when she gets blasted by the canon.

We also can see my design for Craig from Dairy. I think everyone in the class knows who this guy is based on!

The Script

As promissed guys here's the rough script...


By Lewis Drew Taylor

Fade in to a close up shot of Breadbeard’s belt. The camera begins to pan upwards.

Argh since I was a wee nipper I’ve been searchin’ for me treasure
I can feel it’s close, I feel it a tinglin’ in me beard.

The camera has now panned up to his face. Breadbeard is scowling at the camera and looking around.

My name is Capn’ Beardbeard, and along with me crew we are ‘The Pirates of the Produce Aisle!’

As Beardbeard speaks the last part of his line the camera quickly zooms out to reveal the boat in the middle of the produce aisle.

Patches turns around form the crow’s nest with a telescope in hand.

Aye Capn’ I’ve spotted it…the treasure!

Breadbeard looks upward with determination as he leaps up to the crow’s nest. He smacks patches out of the way as Breadbeard grabs the telescope as it is spinning in mid air, whilst this is happening patches has fallen to the ship’s deck below.

Breadbeard peers down the telescope. We see a 1st person view of the telescope focusing in on the box of ‘Petey’s Golden Treasure Breakfast Cereal’.

Breadbeard looks excited. He then jumps from the crow’s nest and stands proudly with his hands on his hips.

Mr Walker put down that zucchini! Patches set the sail!

Patches salutes gleefully.

Aye, aye Capn’!

A close up shot of the sail setting, we see the design of a skull with a pint of beer saying “GOT GROG?”

Breadbeard stands proudly at the front of the ship with his sword pointed forwards.

Yargh boys! Getting ready for our greatest adventure yet! FORWAAARD!!!

Quick cut to a long shot of the ship struggling to move whilst being paddled by ores.
Medium shot of Breadbeard looking agitated.

Mr Walker did ya think about maybe using…the thrusters?

Walker leaning on the back of the ship looking rather bored.


Walker pulls out his handgun and fires.
The bullet hits the fire extinguishers attached to the back of the ship. The ship then blasts forwards.

The crew grabs the nearest object to them to stop themselves from falling over.
The boat swings round the corner and begins to speed down the next aisle.

Patches holding onto the mast of the ship points forward.

Capn’ it’s Craig from dairy!

The camera zooms towards Craig who is working next to the shelves.

Craig move ya arse!

Craig jumps out of the way just in time as the boat speeds past him.

Captain, I believe we are approaching the target.

Breadbeard smiles in satisfaction.

An old lady begins to shuffle into the way of the ship.
Patches spots her.

Capn’ Senior Citizen dead ahead!

Breadbeard forces his way into the shot and grabs Patches by the face.

Walker fires the canon. The cannonball knocks the old lady into a shelf.
The ropes break and the trolleys come lose from the bottom of the boat. The ship comes lose and falls to the ground. Grinding across the floor.
The boat eventually comes to a halt and taps into a shelf.

The crew emerge looking dizzy. Cut to a shot of ‘Petey’s Golden Treasure’ on the shelf. Breadbeard is overjoyed. An angelic glow surrounds the cereal. Breadbeard stretches his arms out. His fingers are quivering, as he is about to touch the cereal.
Walker taps Breadbeard on the shoulder.

Urr. Captain Breadbeard?

What Walker?

The camera then zooms out to reveal the boat surrounded by security guards.
Cuts to black.

Oooooh. Bollocks.