Tuesday, 29 September 2009

The Old Idea

This is one of the space ships, its more of an imperial ship. but it looks like an egg.
This is the second space ship, this one is a lot more aggressive...and badass. Like if Boba Fett had a hot rod. I lookied into hot rods and tried to incorparte it into the design. Long live Ed Roth!

This is the farm that the cow lives on, its a bit spooky. I wanted it tobe quite contorted so that it would contrast the roundness of the aliens!

These are my aliens, they are gooey jelly men with a soft brainy centre. They do not have any arms and legs so they have to have robotic bodies.

This is my old idea that I came up with before my much better one. This idea was about these two aliens trying to abduct the same cow. The whole cartoon would constist of them fighting over this cow. I did alot of design work for this project so it seems a shame not to show it!

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