Wednesday, 30 September 2009

F***king Blogger!

I would love to show my two new character concepts that I did today...but every time I try to upload them this stupid website inverts the colours!

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

'The Hitman'

Since no one but Tom is interested in working on my movie full time. I decided to stick my nose into 'The Hitman' movie and help them develop some ideas. I came up with a few gags but whether they make it into the final film is yet to be seen!

Character Designs

Here we have Walker. He is supposed to do all of the menial jobs around the ship, but he thinks he is far too much of a snob to do them. I based Walker's designs off of bird like flamingos as I think they look quite arrogant. You can see how his nose is quite beak like. I made his outfit look more regal than the other pirates (take note of his ascot), he thinks he is better dressed than the other pirates.
This is Patches. He is a plucky young fellow who absolutely adores the Captain. He is the first mate on the ship and really does everything. I wanted him to be a little fellow so the Captain can beat him up easily. He naturally has an eye patch (hence his name), but i also made him wear much plainer clothes than the Captain as he is the first mate.

This is Captain Breadbeard. He is very brash and load (think of a combination between Brian Blessed and Rip Torn). He is obsessed with getting his golden treasure. I gave him a beard to pay homage to Brian Blessed. I wanted to keep his colours mainly blue to signify the sea.
Here is a little design for the pirates' ship. As you can see, they are attached to shopping trolleys. The ship is not very large,, as it has to fit inside a super market.
Here are two of my supporting characters. the first is a little old lady who the pirates shoot at with their cannon. The other is a security guard, i wanted him to look middle aged and fat. I'm not entirely happy with the old lady so i will probably have to redesign the characters.
Hello again. Here are my early concept designs for the film. This shows the main characters as well as some supporting characters. I also threw in a concept for the ship. It's early days so there might be some tweaking involved.


My idea has been green lit for production. With that came happiness, quickly followed by an unyielding sense of terror!

For all that do not know my film is about a trio of pirates that live in the produce section of a super market. The captain of the pirates is called Breadbeard and his life goal is to get his treasure...which just so happens to be a box of 'Petey's Golden Treasure Breakfast Cereal'.

Tom and I sort out an itinerary so anyone who wants to work on it... I'll take ya!

The Old Idea

This is one of the space ships, its more of an imperial ship. but it looks like an egg.
This is the second space ship, this one is a lot more aggressive...and badass. Like if Boba Fett had a hot rod. I lookied into hot rods and tried to incorparte it into the design. Long live Ed Roth!

This is the farm that the cow lives on, its a bit spooky. I wanted it tobe quite contorted so that it would contrast the roundness of the aliens!

These are my aliens, they are gooey jelly men with a soft brainy centre. They do not have any arms and legs so they have to have robotic bodies.

This is my old idea that I came up with before my much better one. This idea was about these two aliens trying to abduct the same cow. The whole cartoon would constist of them fighting over this cow. I did alot of design work for this project so it seems a shame not to show it!