Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Blend Shapes

Pirates of The Produce Aisle 2: The Rise of Patches
Patches blend shapes are on the way for some reason they would not blend, which is annoying! I don't know why but it is a little worrying!

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Guard and Patches Blendshapes!

Hey. I completed the guards blend shapes today as well as getting about a quarter way through patches'. For some reason I could not activate the mental ray plugin for patches so the render looked crappy. I wanted to create a little playblast of all the guards facial animations, but for some reason, I could not key anything...weird. So you'll have to settle for these renders.

Monday, 29 March 2010

My Goals

By The end of Wednesday I'm supposed to have all of the Guard's blend shapes done and about half of Patches' done.

By next week I hope to have Breadbeard's blend shapes done.

Bring it on!

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Guard Blend Shapes!

Mouth Right
Bottom Right Grr

Top Right Grr

Top Left Grr

Bottom Left Grr

Narrow (ewwww this one is horrible!)



My Neutral Position

Dean's Neutral Position

Howdy one and all here's the Guard's blend shapes so far. I was looking at all of the Maxformaya expressions and trying to incorporate them into the guard. One in particular sucks!
More to come!

Wednesday, 24 March 2010


We pitched to the second years on Tuesday and, apart from a horribly delivered pitch from myself, we had quite a good turn out. I've emailed some of them and will finish off emailing the rest soon. I've seen some of their work and it's pretty impressive, some extremely so.

Basically I want to create a folder for them in the public folders. In there I want an environment, some assets (for texturing and lighting), the character models (for uv mapping) and a rigged model of Breadbeard (for animators).

From there, they can do some tests and we can see if they are up to the challenge.

Monday, 22 March 2010


Right guys.

It's official, we have to work our butts off. I chatted with Dan and we need to employ second years to help with almost everything.

Ash, it's unrealistic to think you can texture the whole film by yourself so I'm trying to get another UV, texturer, possibly two.

We could possibly do with a rigger.

We also need someone to help with the lighting.

Finally we need a load of animators. They have to be good but we need a lot. We have 70 shots!

I'm pitching to the second years again tomorrow so hopefully, my award winning personality could possibly attract them to the film.If I get the second years it does not mean that we can relax. We will have to work our behinds off.

On a lighter note, if all goes well the film should be not awful....which is good.

Saturday, 20 March 2010


Patches! I updated him the other day, then Tom and I worked on him on Friday. Today I gave him some fingernails and tweaked some of the verts. He's looking pretty good. For some reason I couldn't mirror him though, my computer was being really bad!

Thursday, 18 March 2010


I was working on little patches' head today. Hopefully he wil be finished tomorrow!

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Animation Test2

Here's a little test animation that i did for walker. It took about an hour and a half.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Animation test1

A little 15 min animation test from dan's animatic!


Hey y'all. I was unhappy with the flat colour of the previous eyes so I made a new texture in photoshop. I then applied it to the newly finished guard model. Apart from the tacky lighting it doesn't look too bad!

Saturday, 13 March 2010


Hey all! Here's the guard! Tom and yours truly have been working on it (mainly Tom!). Today I made his belt buckle, his hat emblem and his buttons. It's pretty done guys!

Thursday, 11 March 2010


Here's the animatic with some rough sound and music (in no way representative of quality of the final piece)

Wednesday, 10 March 2010


I had a play around with the guard today. He's starting to get there. He's a little bit scary at the mo. I think his face needs squashing down, his chin needs fattening up and his eyes need sorting out (possibly made smaller). All day everyone has been saying "He reminds me of someone"...the answer is Jabba the Hut!


With some help from, Dean, Tom, Sarah, J.B and Dan...I got the 3d model in a pose for Jared. I was amazed that Josh's Apple was perfectly in scale with Walker. Good Job Dude and the apple looks sweet. This is kind of a test because I want to put the characters in more dynamic poses...and also have all of them. Can't wait to see what this looks life in real life!